Baldur's gate enhanced edition portrait size

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In original BG2, this S image also appears in the dialogue window.Īn IWD2 exclusive S portrait, used only for the game screen.ĭefined in the EEs as the S portrait, but appears to be unused. Used in the original BG and BG2 as the game screen portrait as the S This portrait is also unique in that it's the only portrait that is cropped to just the face of the character all other portraits across the games are generally the same portrait resized and not cropped at all. IMOENS.bmp or IMOENL.bmp).Īn Icewind Dale exclusive, used for the game screen as the S portrait.

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In the notes below I'll use the term 'S' or 'L' portrait this is the suffix used with the portrait by the internal naming convention (e.g.

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There are now seven different portrait sizes used across the BG/ IWD games. This is all known information, but I'm not sure if it's actually summarized anywhere.

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